In Process
exhibition opens: 25th november 2013
25/11/13 - 16/03/13
curator: Aristides Santana
A museum or arts centre collection is the backbone of the institution - apart from the planning and the programming. Within it is the museological plan which dictates the works´ procurement policies, aimed at building a culturally valuable and coherent collection. To which, in the case of public institutions, social responsibility is added, meaning, as well as its coherence and cultural value, that the collection should have a social value within its environment.
This approach leads us to study and question the arts centre/museum collection as a starting point to probe not only its statements, but also the intrahistoria of the institution, as well as its value to society as a whole.
Martinka Bobrikova and Oscar de Carmen are two artists who within their particular exhibition project present works belonging to the TEA Collection as an engine to challenge today´s museum concept, its functions and its operations. Testing, in turn, the different museographic models in the reception and exhibition of artistic works, as well as the production processes integrating external collaborators.
In Process doesn´t only feature the work and opinion of just those artists with works in the centre´s collection – as creators or political subjects – it also amplifies the visual and semantic potential of the exhibition, developing different collaborative networks between people, space and media.
It features contributions from a variety of cultural agencies that are participating with performances, including contemporary musicians, singers, cultural associations and performing arts technical experts.
The result of this pooling of multiple contributions is what constitutes the current exhibition, presenting a different institutional model, more concerned with the consolidation of local framework and creation of new cultural fabric. Perhaps a more sustainable operating model.