noise and fruit from made from waste on Vimeo.
Noise and Fruit
Noise and Fruit comes up from the need to think as an individual subject on the problems of current patterns of production and consumption. This body action is a specific device of criticism and protest, which appropriates any iconographic sign of the culinary culture, reinterpreting and altering it, setting new imaginary with fruit and vegetables at optimum quality, which has been considered as perishable by supermarkets .
The action takes place in an interior space of 5 x 3 meters, not accesseble by the public, equipped with lighting and audio systems. There is a system of devices of pick ups connected to the performer and to the food and knives, used in the performance, which allows the performer to create analog sounds. Located in each esterior corner of this space, there is a small LCD screen and speakers so the viewer can see and hear in real time what is happening in the interior space, being him who builts his own narratives.
Shown in June 2009, the Faculty of Fine Arts Cuenca.Cuenca. Spain.